[TOKYO]個展「ペン先のインクの中に、その文字を映す反射光に」/In the ink of the pen point, in reflected light cast the letter on

2016年7月22日(金) — 31日(日)
13.00 – 20.00 最終日は17.00まで
会場:S.Y.P Art Space (曙橋)
website : http://arttokyo.sub.jp
facebook Event : https://www.facebook.com/events/538393856364567/
ゲスト:湯浅 克俊 氏・椛田 有理 氏
この度、S.Y.P Art Space では6月にノルウェー、ヌールラン県のArtist Residency Norlandで滞在制作をしてきた村上 郁の個展 — ペン先のインクの中に、その文字を映す反射光に — を行います。繋ぐ・通過する要素にフォーカスした電球都市の新作を発表いたします。

We will have Solo Exhibition of Murakami Kaoru. She had finished Artists in residency at Nordland Kultur senter.
Murakami Kaoru has been investigating how we are able to know others life through limited media such as postcards. ‘Bulb city’ is a series of works and installation that is created by the artist, which enclosed used postcards with burnt-out light bulbs. This time, she combines bulb cities and Mediators into an installation. As she said, Mediators exists in any places, we aren’t able to see them but they are the cause of a reality slip through imagination. She is going to show up this extraneous matter in the gallery space.

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